Top five Clash of Clans Alternative Games



Clash of Clans is a best-known strategy game.Clash of Clans tasks players to build their own town using the resources gained from attacking other players through the game’s fighting features. The main resources are gold, elixir and dark elixir. Players can conjoin to create clans, groups of up to fifty people who can then partake in Clan Wars together, donate and receive troops, and talk with each other.

Look over Other similar games:

Clash of lords:

Clash of Lords 2 is the sequel to the critically acclaimed Clash of Lords, which is also a great kingdom builder game in its own right. It has the basics such as guilds, building up your defenses, and attacking your enemies. What makes this game stand out is that you have 40 heroes you can recruit which you can train and then battle against other heroes in a PvP arena and you can do battle with your guild or against them if you choose. It’s a heavy game with a lot of options.

play store link:

Clash of Lords

Boom Beach:

Boom Beach is a strategy game that combines attacks on other players with attacks against computer generated bases. … It has been a top 10 game in 22 countries at its launch. The game pits the player against an enemy known as “The Blackguard” which is often represented by Lt. Hammerman.It is the battle for islands and one must defend oneself to win.

Play store link:

Boom Beach

Craft Royale:

Clash Royale is a freemium mobile strategy video game developed and published by Supercell.In Clash Royale, players are ranked by their level, trophies, and/or arena. The maximum level is thirteen, while there are ten areas (excluding the Training Camp) in total in the game. A player wins a battle by destroying more towers than the opponent, or by destroying the opponent’s “King’s Tower”, which grants an automatic three “crown” victory. At the start of each game, both players are given a “hand” of four cards from a “deck” of eight cards chosen by the player. Cards can be used to attack and defend. To play the cards, the player must have enough “elixir”, one elixir automatically being replenished every 2.8 seconds (during double elixir 1.4 seconds). Once a card is placed, a new card from the deck is drawn to the hand.

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Clash Royale

Battle dragons:

Battle Dragons dragons, goal limits and the cool option to attack your own village makes this mobile strategy title stand out. Test the limits of your fort in this Clash of a Clans-rescue game.It has variously been described as the first game in a different genre besides 3D MMO developed by STG.

play store link:

Battle Dragons

Total Conquest:

You are given a Cityhall; this is your central structure; it is a building which you would want to protect, so best is to have it in the center of your base. Along with the city hall, you also startup with a gold storage and a gold storage. At level 1 city hall,  it allows you to build 2 arrow towers and a muster field.

  • Soldier’s costs 10 gold. Unless you have the hero Illidan the marshal as your selected hero.
  • Ships cost 500 gold, they can carry up to 300 soldiers and can travel any amount of distance over water, for a ship to stay on land a port must be built.
  • Land ships cost 1000 gold and can travel any distance over water and can travel
    • Overland, these ships can carry 500 people.
  • Battle zeppelins are armored blimps that sore over mountains and oceans. They are the most expensive costing 2000 gold .they can overpass mountains and can fly: per turn. They can carry up to 700 soldiers.
  • Steam engines. These machines can break through the walls of the city allowing other vehicles and soldiers to get through. Even the mighty zeppelin cannot pass over a wall without the fear of getting shot down. 1 steam engine costs 1500 gold coins.
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Play store link:

Total Conquest

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