How to download torrent files with IDM


How to download torrent files with IDM

Many people have been asking if they can download torrents directly with IDM (Internet Download Manager) or not. Well, the answer is yes. IDM even increases your download speed with its segmentation techniques. It lets you pause your download anytime and resume later. In cases where it is impossible to download certain torrent files due to the low number of seeds and peers, Torrent to IDM is pretty simple and efficient. Here are some techniques:

I. Using Zbigz:

Currently, Zbigz is known to be the best torrent caching site. You can either get the free version or the ones which require the paid premium account.

Steps to use Zbigz with IDM-

  1. First of all download the torrent file which you want to download.
  2. Open
  3. Sign up for free or pay and get the premium account
  4. Click on upload .torrent file and select the torrent file and press go
  5. Wait for caching to finish and then click on Transfer

                                                        Visit Zbigz from here. 

This is how your torrent file will get downloaded in IDM.

II. Using Putdrive:

Putdrive comes with a limitation that you cannot download file size of more than 10GB. However, it is fairly easy to use Putdrive if your chosen movie or song is of small size.

Steps to use Putdrive with IDM-

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  1. First of all open
  2. Register for the free account
  3. Upload the chosen torrent file (see above image) and wait for it to get cached
  4. Download that torrent file in IDM

                                            Visit Putdrive from here

These are two of the fastest and the most efficient ways of downloading torrent files in IDM. Share and use the tricks with your friends. Happy downloading!

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