MAC is the acronym for Media Access Control. Its address is a unique code made up of 12 (XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX) characters for a particular hardware like saying the network adapter of WiFi devices.

There are many reasons for wanting to change the MAC address of your device. For instance, if you want to connect to a WiFi hotspot then it will be a good idea to change the MAC address temporarily. It will protect your privacy. Another very good reason to opt for this is to ensure smooth interoperability.

For instance, your internet service provider binds their service to a particular address and you want to change your network card or want to install a new router you will find that the service won’t work properly anymore. It may not even work at all. You can solve this problem by changing the MAC address of the new interface.

  • How to Change Android Mac Address With Engineering Mode


Open Engineering Mode from your device, With the help of this app, Open this app and click on MTK Settings button, for launch Engineering Mode. You’ll See some options here, Goto Connectivity tab, and click on WiFi option, and select NVRAM.

In Byte String Access option, enter Values Like Below.

addr(h,byte): 4
length(byte): 6

After That, it will show you Mac address of your android phone in value(h) area.Change Mac address according to your choice, and click on Write button.


  • How to Change Mac Address With ChameleMAC App

Download ChameleMac App from here – DownloadNow, after Download Above App in your Android Device, now Open it, It will ask you for root permissions, click on Grant Button and now you will see the main Screen of this app.


After That, You will see your device’s real Mac Address in this app. Note Down real mac address, in case you want to restore original one in future. Click on Generate random MAC button, if you want Random Mac Address, or enter any mac address of your choice, and click on “Apply new MAC” button. Now it will ask for confirmation, that you really want to change mac address if you want to do then click on Change button, and you are done.


  • How to Change Mac Address on Android With TerminalEmulatorApp

This Method is also known as change mac address Android terminal. If you want to use commands, for change Mac Address in your device, then below device will be suitable for you, follow step by step guide about changing mac address from below:-

Open Terminal Emulator app from your phone, Or Download the app now if you haven’t installed it already – Download terminal now, Simply Type Below Commands one by one, in Terminal Emulator and Hit Enter button.suNow, This app will ask for root permissions, allow root permissions to this app, and enter below command.busy box uplink show eth0Now This Will Show you MAC Address of your Android device, Now enter below Command for change mac address from your phone.busybox if config eth0 hw ether XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XXReplace XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX with new MAC Address of your choice, and hit enter, and this app will now change mac address of your device successfully.


  • Here is a detailed instruction on how to spoof MAC address on your Android phone

You need to record the original/current MAC address of your device which can be done according to the instruction below:

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  1. On the Home Screen of your phone, tap the Menu button and go to Settings.
  2. Tap About Device and go to StatusNow scroll down to record the 12-digit code shown under Wi-Fi Mac address.
  3. An address would read something like:

Example MAC address: E5:12:D8:E5:69:97

Requirements for Spoofing the MAC Address:

Rooted Android PhoneBusyBox app installed on your phone once BusyBox is
installed, you need to install a Terminal app.
Once the above requirements are satisfied, follow the instructions below
to spoof your MAC address:
Open the Terminal app and type the commands as listed below:

$ su [HIT ENTER]

$ busy box uplink show eth0 [HIT ENTER]

(This will show your current MAC address, just for your confirmation)

Now, type the following command:

$ busy box if config eth0 hw ether XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX [HIT ENTER]

(In the above command, replace XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX with your new MAC
You have now spoofed your MAC address successfully.


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