Download Youtube videos easily (No softwares needed)


TechieSwag comes with a new trick to download youtube videos easily.No Softwares are needed to do this trick.You have to follow simple below steps :

Method :1

First, go to youtube and search for your desired video and open that video.I opened Blank Space by Taylor Swift on youtube as shown below.

download youtube videos easily

Next step : go to URL of the video on top.


Now remove “ube” from “youtube” and press Enter,the link should be something like “……”

download youtube videos

Now click on Record mp3 for downloading audios and if you want videos click on Record mp4.

Method :2

Follow the similar procedure as shown above(in Method 1),instead of removing “ube” you have to add “10” before youtube.

download youtube videos

Method : 3

Follow the similar procedure as shown above(in Method 1),instead of removing “ube” you have to add “ss” before youtube.

download youtube videos

Thanks for visiting TechieSwag.If you have any doubts please comment below.

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